The pure facts on Juicing! (No Lies Told)

You know what...

There's an overload of good and bad articles about juicing. There's so much junk out there that it can be tempting to write off nutritious paths altogether. One month a major outlet says juicing is good and next month they say it’s bad. I promised to take the mystery out of healthy living, so here I go!


Hippocrates (a Greek physician) said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”



Juicing is a fun and easy way to add more fruits, vegetables, vitamins and minerals to your diet. However, eating vegetables plus raw & whole fruits is still the best way to get your nutrients. So if you can get 1½ cups per day of fruit and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables then that's your best bet. However, if it’s hard for you to get that with your busy schedule, then juicing is the way. According to the CDC, less than one-third of adult Americans eat our recommended servings a day. Juicing changes that.



If what goes in your mouth is low in fruits and vegetables and high in sodium and saturated fats then it’s going to catch up to you now and in the future. Drinking juices will significantly lengthen of your life and decrease chronic disease. (Dis-ease)

America struggles largely with: Heart disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s & Diabetes. An awesome diet with the implementation of juicing guarantees a strong immune system and will help withstand any assault including viruses.

What generally causes disease?

A.) Eating bad foods

B.) A lack of physical activity

C.) Smoking

D.) Too much drinking

E.) Emotional stress

F.) Lack of sleep

A diet thats "close to nature" meaning predominantly plants and unprocessed is great for you and the environment. We call it foods that are "closest to God" & further from being tampered with by man. My juice kitchen is packed with these foods. Foods that are directly from nature and mother nature  knows what she’s doing!


Juicing is a way to detoxify your body? That's right.

Some claim that juice detoxing is unnecessary but these are the same people prescribing pharmaceutical drugs to help your body do what juices do naturally. And please note that their medications are not even designed to cure you, they cost fortunes and will leave you with side effects. Think about it, why would big pharmaceutical companies promote the benefits of natural foods when they sell unnatural drugs? Yogi Juice is all natural. Juicing is something you could even do at home without Yogi Juice. Either way you decide, its a better choice for your health! 

By drinking organic cold pressed juices, minerals, vitamins and enzymes are very quickly absorbed into your blood stream. After a 3 day Yogi Juice Bar cleanse, your liver, heart, and entire body will start eliminating sick or dead cells. All of this is because it will not have to do its normal work of processing fat anymore.

You are smarter than the mainstream propaganda. Poisoning your body with pharmaceutical drugs,  excessive bad foods, tobacco and other harmful compounds is not normal. Your liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin and lung’s will try to eliminate toxins but only when those organs are nice and healthy.

A strategic juice fast increases your healthy antioxidants, soluble fiber, vitamins and minerals. Before you choose a cleanse (detox/fast) lets chat to see what’s best for you. My juices are tailor made for taste and benefits. To give an example, I have a loyal customer that does 30 day fasts frequently and she feels focused and energetic during and after each one! She's detoxified her body and her organs can now properly do what they're designed to. 




All juice brands are not the same! Yogi Juice is made fresh (not pasteurized) and then immediately frozen so no bacteria can grow & cause potential food poisoning. Freezing ensures that you get all the potent nutrients that pasteurizing kills. I also deliver.* So once my juices reach your doorstep, please  refrigerate immediately and drink within 2 to 3 days. Don't wing it. If for some reason you can't drink them within 2 to 3 days, let em go, because my juices are pure and organic. Despite my fruits and veggies using no pesticides, I wash them before juicing to get rid of any trace bacteria or chemicals that could possibly be on the skin. For my on location customers, we make select juices fresh, so you can get the maximum benefits. We also provide fiber boosts where we can add pulp to your juices! 

In recent years, studies link juices and health: for instance - A 2006 Vanderbilt University study showed that those who drank 3 or more servings of fruit and vegetable juice each week were significantly less likely to develop signs of Alzheimer’s over 10 years than those who drank less than 1 serving per week. These various Juice’s benefits were seen regardless of a person’s educational level or how much fat was in their diet. My Tasty Greens, Garden Salad, Got Calcium & Rejuvenator juices have Kale in them which improves lipid levels such as cholesterol, and lessen your risk of heart disease.

My Kickin’ Skin, Energize Me, It’s Cleaning Time, Rejuventor, Deep Breath, Popeye, New Years Resolution, Digestive Special, Royal Flush, Garden Salad, Garlic Surprise, Got Calcium & Vitamin E Delight all have carrots in them. Carrot juice reduces oxidative stress in cells in women treated for breast cancer & reduces heart disease risk. My citrus-based juices like Tropical Spice, Pucker Up & Flourish reduces heart disease risk.

I've been juicing for over 20 years and my clients with cancer, diabetes and other ailments said that many times my juices were the only thing that made them feel better and in some cases, the only thing they could even ingest! This didn’t surprise me. My personal story as to why I started Yogi Juice Bar is because of the amazing affects with my children & close family! (See my story)


My Waldorf Salad, New Years Resolution, Garden Salad & Garlic Surprise are packed with celery. A 20-year animal study at the University of Chicago found that celery juice can lower your blood pressure. Studies say we should eat about 4 stalks of celery per day to gain this benefit. And if you don’t have time to eat it, then the above juices can help.

So, the realest of the real deal is that juicing is powerful, convenient & healthy. If you can juice at home, do it. Juicing does require large quantities of vegetables though (it takes 6 to 8 large carrots to make 1 glass of juice) So if you need help, Yogi Juice Bar is here to serve!


For extra info on the powers of juice, watch Fat, sick and nearly dead! (