Cross Fit / Whole 30 Challenge? - Yogi Juice works for you!


Yogi Juice Bar cold-pressed juices are 100% FRESH & NATURAL, they retain more fruit or vegetable vitamins and minerals than any grocery store bought juice. We DON'T add sugars, water or artificial sweeteners. Our Juice can be BETTER than eating a piece of fruit because when a bottle of Yogi juice is squeezed from various fruits or vegetables, it has a wider array of nutrients per ounce than a single piece of fruit. So if you're taking up a new challenge to get your body and mind in shape, we can help!

Yogi Juice is a MUCH HEALTHIER option than other sugar-sweetened beverages, such as energy drinks, Starbucks lattes etc. While some criticize cold press juices, they also intentionally leave out what today's alternatives are for our busy lifestyles. If you have time to prepare an organic whole food meal at breakfast, lunch and dinner then do it, because juicing isn't a better choice. But Yogi Juice is light years better than a quick granola bar or store bought juice as you head off to work. We’re not even going to mention McDonalds, Burger King etc.


If you're doing a challenge that requires you to keep your natural sugar intake down to a minimum, try Yogi Juice Bars dark leafy green juices. (ie: Tasty Greens, Waldorf salad & Doin The Gut) they pack an extra nutritional punch, as opposed to fruit-only juices that will naturally have a higher sugar count.

My Detoxic Behavior juice contains beets. It's rich in dietary nitrates and betalains, both of which are associated with a lower risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.

The things that bothers me most about online juice haters, is when they say there's not enough clinical studies to prove juices are effective. I'd like for you to keep in mind that clinical studies are funded by large corporations that aren’t interested in your health and wellness. They are interested in selling drugs and making billions. They purposely dismiss remedies that are natural. And especially remedies that you can even do at home.

That's why we say, if you're doing the Whole 30, Cross Fit or the Dirty 30 challenge, consider including some unsweetened, never artificially flavored organic juice to give you the tools you need to succeed in your goals!



For extra info on the powers of juice, watch Fat, sick and nearly dead! (